I'm always on the lookout for places to find Amy Butler fabrics for purchase wether it's online or in person. As you all know my favorite designer of fabric is Amy Butler. She's not only a great designer but a wonderful person. Well, one our my followers just happens to have an online store that sells among other things, some Amy fabric and patterns - Glenna with Your Fabric Place. Her website is
http://www.yourfabricplace.com. She is carrying a couple of Amy's new patterns that I'd like to try out - The new mini dress & top and the field bag. Both look cute. I have to admit that I find Amy's patterns a bit complicated and at times difficult for a beginner. I consider myself a beginner but I also grew up around sewing my whole life so I think some just soaked in. I've never been stuck or not able to complete one of her patterns, but they aren't sew easy either. I've made a few of her patterns - the half circle tank (which I wear all the time), the Cabo halter (which I never wear because the dip in the middle shows the bra - it needs a touch up) and the cute dress with caps sleeves (which i'm too fat for right now, but maybe I'll fix back in soon).
I've used her fabric to make my Audrey's dress shown in a previous post while standing next to Amy at the Quilt Market. You would think living in Kansas City - a big major city - I could find Amy fabric everywhere but I can't. There are two stores I know of that carry it and both never have the coordinates I want. They sell out too fast or don't have the ones I want. Bummer! Hence why I'm always looking online! Between the 10/yard price and shipping charges, it can get out of hand. Most of Glenna's fabrics 8.50/yard with 5$ shipping no matter how much you order! Sounds pretty good to me. She also carrys a little Anna Marie Horner which I love too. Plus she carries patterns by Amy Butler and my absolute favorite patterns - INDYGO JUNCTION OF COURSE!!!!! :)
I'm working on items for a show I want to be in for the
Art Flea Market in the Crossroads Art District here is downtown Kansas City. I'll try to post some of my works soon plus I finally got my skinny fat book swap done and back. Will post on that later.
Finally, we sure to check out the new blog for
The Vintage Workshop. Until next time...